Glossary Terms

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“Antibody” — a protein substance produced in the blood or tissues in response to a specific antigen, such as a bacterium or a toxin. Antibodies destroy or weaken bacteria and neutralize organic poisons, thus forming the basis of immunity.
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“Antibody” — a protein substance produced in the blood or tissues in response to a specific antigen, such as a bacterium or a toxin. Antibodies destroy or weaken bacteria and neutralize organic poisons, thus forming the basis of immunity.
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“Anemia” — too few red blood cells in the bloodstream, resulting in not enough oxygen to tissues and organs.
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amino acids

“Amino acids” — the building blocks of proteins. There are non-essential amino acids, those we can make in our bodies, and essential amino acids, those we can not make but must get them from our diet. Amino acids are not only important in the synthesis of protein, but also function in transmission of neural pulses.
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amino acid

“Amino acids” — the building blocks of proteins. There are non-essential amino acids, those we can make in our bodies, and essential amino acids, those we can not make but must get them from our diet. Amino acids are not only important in the synthesis of protein, but also function in transmission of neural pulses.
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alpha-lipoic acid

“Alpha-lipoic acid” (lipoic acid) — a powerful antioxidant that is readily absorbed and utilized within the cell where it is capable of regenerating glutathione. As such, lipoic acid supplementation results in increased glutathione levels. Lipoic acid is also involved in energy production. Lipoic acid works together with vitamin E and vitamin C to protect the […]
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acute toxicity

“Acute toxicity” — the ability of a substance to cause poisonous effects resulting in biological harm soon after a single exposure or dose. Any severe poisonous effect resulting from a short-term exposure.
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active ingredient

“Active ingredient” (AI) — the chemical (or chemicals) in a pesticide that are responsible for killing or otherwise controlling target pests. Most tests required by regulatory agencies worldwide are done on pesticide active ingredients, rather than the formulated products farmers and others actually apply.