Search results for “weed resistance”:

Acronyms and Glossary

Acronyms Glossary Click here to download this Acronyms and Glossary file as a pdf Acronyms ADI – Acceptable Daily Intake, a measure of the maximum amount of a pesticide a person can be exposed to without exceeding a regulatory agency’s “level of concern.” ALA- Alpha-Linolenic Acid, the major omega-3 fatty acid in food with health-promoting […]

Pesticide Use Indicators

Rate of Application Metrics Measures of the Extent of Use Limits of “Pounds Applied” Measures of Total Use by Type of Pesticide Measures of Total Pesticide Use Measuring Other Impacts Associated With Pesticide Use The most common metric of “pesticide use” is the pounds of active ingredient applied in a given year on an acre […]

Funding and “Sound Science”

Hygeia Analytics Funding Thoughts on Funding and Scientific Integrity Chronology of Dr. Benbrook’s Work and Funding The New York Times Weighs In The Impact of Funding on Dr. Benbrook’s Work Special Interest Science Must – and Can — Earn the Benefit of Doubt See also: About Hygeia Analytics Site Map and Keywords Hygeia Analytics- Who […]

Hygeia Analytics – Who We Are

The Hygeia Analytics Team About Dr. Benbrook List of Dr. Benbrook’s Peer-Reviewed Publications Dr. Benbrook’s Participation in Congressional Hearings See also: About Hygeia Analytics Site Map and Keywords Why Hygeia? Thoughts on Funding and “Sound Science” Acronyms and Glossary The Hygeia Analytics Team The original content of Hygeia Analytics, and narrative presented without attribution to […]

Impacts of GE on Pesticide Use

Click here to view additional related posts Impacts on Herbicide Use Impacts on Insecticide Use Net Impacts of GE Crop Technology 2012 Environmental Sciences Europe Paper Glyphosate Use 2,4-D and Dicamba Herbicide Timelines Dynamic Presentations Pesticide use encompasses the applications of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, soil fumigants, and several other types of pesticides targeting other organisms. […]

Pesticide Usage

Pesticide Use Data Sources  Pesticide Use Indicators Pesticide Use Data System (PUDS)  Tracking changes in pesticide use is an essential step in assessing pesticide risks and benefits. Changes in use also alter the economics of pest management, as well as the risk of triggering the emergence and spread of resistant weeds, insects, and plant pathogens. There […]