Herbicide Graphics Portfolio

Videos and Prezis

Please cite Hygeia Analytics as a source for all materials unless otherwise noted. 

Resources below are in either video or prezi format. To view infographics, charts, and other static resources, see that section of the Portfolio here.

Prezi is a software tool for creating dynamic, zoomable presentations. To view, just push the blue play button, then use the arrow keys to advance through the presentation. If you need help accessing these resources, contact us.

Does eating organic help prevent cancer?

Highlights of the key findings of French study that found a 25% reduction in cancer risk with higher organic food consumption.

Emerging Challenges for Physicians, Families, and Farmers

2018, Ames, IA presentation on impacts of herbicide use on doctors, people, and farmers.

Herbicides in Humans

Summary of Rancho Bernado Study in JAMA on Glyphosate in Urine

Coping with Chemical Trespass on a Grand Scale: Emerging Public Health Challenges

2018 Iowa City, IA presentation on public health implications of herbicide use.

Glyphosate: A Gene Changer

Summarizes the 2019 study documenting epigenetic impacts of glyphosate exposure on multiple generations of rats.

Dicamba Watch

Looks at the development and consequences of the dicamba drift crisis of throughout the 2016 and 2017 growing seasons.

Herbicide Timelines

These dynamic presentations explore the development and commercialization (Part I), regulatory history (Part II), and use trends (Part III) of top herbicides.

Lowdown on Roundup

Part I

Dicamba Diary

Part III


Images, Infographics, and Charts

Please cite Hygeia Analytics as a source for all materials unless otherwise noted.