Search results for “residues”:

Three Ways to Calculate DRI Values

For a given pesticide-food combination, the DRI-Mean (DRI-M) is calculated based on the “mean of the positives” residue level. Process From all samples of a given food tested in a given year, the DRI system selects those samples with a quantified residue of each pesticide. Then, across just these positive samples, the system calculates the […]

DRI Results and How to Interpret Them

Interpreting DRI Values How Risky is that Residue? Accounting for Residues of the Same Pesticide on Multiple Foods DRI Results – Tracking Differences in Pesticide Dietary Risks DRI Parameters Aggregating DRI Values DRI Output Reports Limits of the DRI More DRI Resources Interpreting DRI Values The DRI system provides three different measurements of pesticide dietary […]

DRI Technical Details

Data Sources Methodology Other DRI Resources Data Sources The DRI system integrates and draws upon three primary sources of data: Annual residue data from the US-PDP and UK-FSA pesticide residue testing programs, Chronic toxicity data on pesticide active ingredients, metabolites, and isomers from the US EPA or the European Food Standards Agency (EFSA), and Food […]

Dietary Risk Index System

The Dietary Risk Index, or DRI, is a complex analytical system that quantifies the relative risks stemming from pesticides in food. The DRI value for a given food-pesticide combination takes into account the level of residues in the food, the chronic toxicity of the pesticide, and the typical number of grams in a single serving […]

Reducing Pesticide Dietary Risk — Avoiding “Hot Potatoes”

“Hot Potatoes” — Which Foods, Where From, Grown How, Pose the Highest Risks? The Dietary Risk Index system provides, for the first time, a way to determine where a variety of foods land along the dietary risk continuum. DRI values gradually rise along the dietary risk continuum from the lower-risk, left one-half (shown in green […]

Applications of the Dietary Risk Index (DRI)

The Dietary Risk Index, or DRI, is an analytical system that quantifies the relative risks of pesticide residues in food. The DRI takes into account the known toxicity of a pesticide, allowing us to rank, based on current science and regulatory standards, the risk posed by certain foods. Access the interactive online interface and other […]