Glossary Terms

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ionic bonds

“Ionic bound” — a chemical link between two atoms caused by the electrostatic force between oppositely-charged ions in an ionic compound.
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ionic bond

“Ionic bound” — a chemical link between two atoms caused by the electrostatic force between oppositely-charged ions in an ionic compound.
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“Ion” — an atom or group of atoms that carries a positive or negative electric charge as a result of having lost or gained one or more electrons.
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“Ion” — an atom or group of atoms that carries a positive or negative electric charge as a result of having lost or gained one or more electrons.
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intervention trial

“Intervention trial” — an experimental study (usually a clinical trial) used to test the effect of a treatment or intervention on a health- or disease-related outcome.
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high-density lipoproteins

“High density lipoproteins” (HDL) – proteins that transport cholesterol from tissues to the liver, where it can be eliminated in bile. HDL-cholesterol is considered good cholesterol, because higher blood levels of HDL-cholesterol are associated with lower risk of heart disease.
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herbicide tolerant

“Herbicide-tolerant” (HT) – crops genetically engineered to survive direct application of one or more herbicides during the growing season, chemicals that would otherwise kill or severely stunt the crop.