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Vitamin E

“Vitamin E” — a fat soluble antioxidant playing an important role in protecting the cell membrane, fats, the immune system and vitamin A from oxidative stress. Studies suggest that vitamin E supplementation may improve immune function and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, strokes.
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Vitamin C

“Vitamin C” — important as an antioxidant but also in its ability to regenerate the antioxidant form of Vitamin E. With acute viral infections (flus, colds), vitamin C can reduce symptom severity and shorten illness time at high levels. Important in the maintenance of bones, teeth, blood vessels and connective tissue as well as enhancing […]
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Vitamin B6

“Vitamin B6” — is important in the formation of proteins, structural compounds, messengers in the nervous system, red blood cells, prostaglandins, proper functioning of a large number of enzymes and in maintaining proper immune function. Low levels of Vitamin B6 result in high levels of homocysteine. Homocysteine damages the cells that line the arteries, which […]
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Vitamin A

“Vitamin A” — a fat soluble vitamin involved in the maintenance of healthy skin, eyes, bones, hair and teeth and is essential to proper immune function. Vitamin A can be synthesized from the antioxidant beta-carotene.
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“Vitamin” — the name that is given to 13 organic substances that are essential in the diet because they cannot be manufactured by the body. Vitamins are needed in very small amounts, but they are essential to life.
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“Trait” — the unique characteristic or attribute added to the genetic makeup of a crop using biotechnology. The capacity of a plant to withstand applications of a particular herbicide is an example of a GE crop trait.
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“Trait” — the unique characteristic or attribute added to the genetic makeup of a crop using biotechnology. The capacity of a plant to withstand applications of a particular herbicide is an example of a GE crop trait.
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“Tannins” — any of a large group of plant-derived compounds. Tannins tend to be bitter tasting and may function in pigment formation and plant protection.
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Stacked Traits

“Stacked trait” – genetically engineered (GE) seeds that express two or more distinct traits (e.g., herbicide tolerance and Bt insect protected).